Fundamental solutions to enhance the efficiency of managing soft skills education for current pedagogical students


  • Nguyen Thi Yen Ngoc Trade Union University



Soft skills education, efficiency improvement, pedagogical students, universities, Vietnam


Faced with the demands and challenges of integration, the workforce in general and pedagogical students in particular need to be trained in skills, especially soft skills, to effectively manage their work, maintain sustainable employment, adapt to modern life, and thrive in an increasingly dynamic, pressured, and competitive environment. A current issue is how to improve the quality of soft skills education management for pedagogical students. Based on a survey of the management of soft skills education for pedagogical students at several universities, the author proposes several fundamental solutions to enhance the efficiency of managing soft skills education for pedagogical students in Vietnam today.

Author Biography

Nguyen Thi Yen Ngoc, Trade Union University

M.A. Nguyen Thi Yen Ngoc

Trade Union University


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How to Cite

Nguyen Thi Yen Ngoc. (2024). Fundamental solutions to enhance the efficiency of managing soft skills education for current pedagogical students. Journal of State Management, 31(13).


